Rescue and rehome Fort McMurray pets
The disastrous wildfire which destroyed Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada few days ago obliged thousands of people to evacuate. They have not only left their own houses and work places, but also pets and livestock
People did everything they could to save their own animals, and, as Julie Lodge asserts, a lady left the town riding her horse and carrying two other horses with her in order to save them. Not every pet owner had been so lucky. Indeed someone had to set their own pets free, in attempt to save them from the raging fire. It is the case of Megan Bastien, who posted a photo of her lost horses on Facebook hoping someone will help her to find them again. Unfortunately, others were not able to save their own pets.
But, in spite of this difficult situation, the inhabitants of Fort McMurray are trying to collaborate, helping each other. It is the case of Chris Inger and his fiancé, who rescued the cats of a family they did even not know.
At the moment, Edmonton and other communities are taking care of Mcmurrian people and their pets without asking. Then, ZOE’s Animal Rescue Society and others are giving their support to gather and rehome lost pets.
This is a strong proof of humanity.
As Fort McMurray Wildfire Blazes On, Community Rallies to Rescue Animals