São Paulo registers a 26% drop in hospitalizations for Covid-19 in one month

São Paulo Plan: on Saturday, the 24th, gyms, lounges, restaurants and bars were reopened in the so-called “transition phase” of the São Paulo Plan

O Estado de São Paulo registrou no início desta semana uma redução de 26,9% no número de pessoas internadas pela COVID-19 no último mês

On Sunday, there were 22,319 hospitalized patients, 10,556 in intensive care units and 11,763 in the ward. As of March 25, there were 30,549 hospitalized, 8,230 more than today.

The biggest reduction is concentrated in patients in clinical beds: there were 17,875 a month ago.

In the ICU, there were 12,674 hospitalized. Despite the reduction, the occupancy rate of ICU beds, which treat serious cases of Covid-19, is still at 79% in Greater S. Paulo – and 80.7% in the state.

On Saturday, the 24th, gyms, lounges, restaurants and bars were reopened in the so-called “transition phase” of the São Paulo Plan

Current restrictive measures are expected to last until May 1.

Regarding the current moment, the Health Secretariat reinforces that “it is essential that, even with the reduction of the indexes, that the population maintains measures of distance, use of masks and hand hygiene”.

The state health department informed that the Transition Phase of the São Paulo Plan is in effect, adopted in view of the reversal of the growth trend of hospitalizations.

However, the secretariat emphasizes that it remains essential, even with the reduction of the rates, that the population maintain the measures of distance, use of masks and hand hygiene.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the state of São Paulo has recorded 2,834,321 cases and 92,693 deaths caused by Covid-19.

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Agenzia Dire

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