Snow storm hitting Midwest, warnings from Illinois to Maine
A potent snowstorm is blasting portions of the Midwest and Northeast with as much as 2 feet of snow. If enough snow falls, the storm could break Detroit’s seasonal snowfall record and give Chicago its second snowiest winter. It also could bring the heaviest snowfall of the year to Burlington, Vt., where 12-16 inches are forecast. A glaze of ice is possible for most areas throughout the WKYC viewing area. A Winter Storm Warning is issued when severe weather is expected. Heavy snow and/or ice will cause hazardous driving conditions. If you will be traveling in the warning area, you should choose an alternate route, if possible. Authorities say you should use extreme caution if travel is unavoidable. 655 flights canceled in US, majority of cancellations, delays at Chicago’s O’Hare and Cleveland airports.