Ukraine emergency, 168 Ukrainian children received at Gaslini (Italy) in one month, fundraising for families
In the last month Gaslini Children’s Hospital welcomed 168 Ukrainian children, established two scholarships for Ukrainian doctors to be carried out in the paediatric and rheumatology clinic and, through Gaslini onlus, collected 96,000 euros for the reception of families and transport
“From 24 February to 11 April, we welcomed 168 Ukrainian patients for the necessary examinations, including visits to the Emergency Room, Day Hospital and admissions.
Among these, 17 children suffering from serious pathologies managed to arrive at Gaslini Hospital thanks to the international cooperation carried out under the aegis of the Civil Protection,” explains Renato Botti, general director of IRCCS Giannina Gaslini.
Gaslini’s intervention for the Ukrainian children and their families
All 17 Ukrainian patients come from the town of Rzeszów, Poland, where the Institute has been on duty for a week for the national coordination of the emergency management, by sending a paediatric medical and nursing team, led by Dr. Andrea Moscatelli, Director of the Department of Emergency and Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care, who, even after returning to Italy, continues to take care of the children who can no longer be treated in Ukraine, collaborating with the Civil Protection to organise the transfer of the children and their families on the available means of transport to Italian hospitals.
The Institute has made its specialists available to respond to oncological patients, or those suffering from serious neurological and gastroenterological pathologies: as a polyclinic equipped with all the paediatric specialities, it is ready to receive and treat all the little ones who will need highly complex care.
“We are happy to be able to offer two doctors from Ukraine the opportunity to continue at Gaslini the clinical research activity in paediatrics, previously carried out in their country and abruptly interrupted due to the war: Our IRCCS has just issued a public call for applications for two scholarships for medical and surgical graduates to be awarded, as a matter of urgency, in connection with the emergency situation caused by the war in Ukraine, to be carried out at the Paediatric and Rheumatology Clinic Unit” underlines the General Director of Gaslini Renato Botti.
(announcement: https://amministrazionetrasparente.gaslini.org/servizi/bandi_concorsi/bandi_fase02.aspx?ID=7739 )
Gaslini onlus fund-raising for the children of Ukraine
Since the first days of the conflict, Gaslini Hospital has asked Gaslini Onlus to start a fundraising campaign for the Ukrainian emergency aimed at the first necessities of the care of the children and to welcome and secure their families.
The collection has already reached € 96,086.99 in one month.
In addition to the needs related to the assistance, care and transport of the young Ukrainian patients, there is the problem of their reception during the period in which the families, who are fleeing the war with their seriously ill children, arrive at the border or in the reception centres and wait for the moment of transfer to the Italian hospitals.
Part of the funds from the “Gaslini for Ukraine” collection have already been used to deal with this difficulty to guarantee initial hospitality in Poland, before the transfer to Italy – with beds and hot meals – in a guesthouse in Rzeszow, transformed into a “reception centre”.
Thanks to the generous participation of many large and small donors to the Gaslini Onlus collection, it is also possible to finance the transport of serious paediatric patients to the facilities of excellence available on the national territory, as has already happened in recent weeks.
It is possible to participate to the fundraising with an online donation through the crowdfunding platform:
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