Ukrainian crisis, Russian and European Red Cross plan to expand assistance to victims
The RRC President discusses plans to expand assistance to victims of the Ukrainian crisis with the head of the IFRC European office
Ukrainian crisis, the meeting of Pavel Savchuk and Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen
Pavel Savchuk, President of the Russian Red Cross (RRC), Russia’s oldest humanitarian organization, discussed with Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen, the IFRC Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, response measures to the Ukrainian crisis and plans to expand support in 2023 for the affected people.
The RRC President said: “Our main task now is not only to respond to the humanitarian needs caused by the Ukrainian crisis, but also to prevent the current humanitarian situation from worsening.”
“It is therefore important to keep in mind that humanitarian diplomacy is an integral part of the work of the IFRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and all National Societies, including the Russian Red Cross.
We are sincerely grateful to our partners for their support and solidarity with the Russian Red Cross. Last year together we helped more than 640,000 refugees and we will continue to do so,” said Pavel Savchuk.
During Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen’s visit to Moscow the parties discussed the current humanitarian situation and humanitarian needs, as well as RRC’s role in assisting the victims of ukrainian crisis
“We welcome constructive dialogue and joint work with the Russian Red Cross. In 2023, we plan to expand our cash voucher assistance and psychosocial support programs for displaced people throughout Europe, including Russia.
The main task of all members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is to help those who need it most, whoever these people are, wherever they are,” said Birgitte Bischoff Ebbesen.
On Wednesday, January 25, a briefing was held in Moscow with diplomatic representatives to the Russian Federation from 18 European and Asia-Pacific countries and North America.
On the side of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the RRC President, IFRC Regional Director and Head of the ICRC regional delegation in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, Ikhtiyar Aslanov, spoke at the briefing.
They discussed preparedness and response to the Ukraine crisis as well as other humanitarian challenges in the Russian Federation and throughout the European region.
Participants talked about support for those affected by the crisis and the results of the year.
Earlier, Mirjana Spolarich, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), visited Moscow.
She had meetings with representatives and leadership of Russian agencies, as well as the RRC.
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