Ukrainian Red Cross, 10 shelters will be installed in Kherson in densely populated areas

In order to preserve the lives of Kherson residents, who are under constant shelling, the Red Cross Society of Ukraine, with the assistance of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, will set up 10 shelters in public places

The concrete structures will help protect people from shelling by various types of weapons, including rocket launchers and explosive waves.

The area of each shelter is 10 m², in which 10-15 people can fit at the same time.


The shelters will be located near markets, bus stations, public transport stops and places of administrative services in Kherson

“Currently, the situation in Kherson is difficult.

The city is being shelled daily by heavy artillery, as a result of which people, including children, are dying.

We do everything we can to help people, including cash payments and issuing food vouchers, as well as food and hygiene kits.

But now we see a great need to organise shelters in public places where Kherson residents often stay.

Shelters can save lives, and this is the most important thing,” noted Maksym Dotsenko, Director General of the National Committee of the Red Cross of Ukraine.

“The safety of citizens is the first priority for the state today. I sincerely thank the Red Cross of Ukraine for constantly coming to the aid of people suffering from Russian aggression and in need of humanitarian aid.

We must use all possible means to minimise the risks for the citizens remaining in Kherson, including those working for the city’s life support, ensure the provision of public services and the restoration of critical infrastructure.

Thanks to the powerful support of humanitarian organisations, we can take care of the safety of our people,’ said Iryna Vereshchuk, Deputy Prime Minister of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

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Ukrainian Red Cross

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