Bari: Practical Emergency-Urgency Congress With Top National Experts
Theoretical and practical emergency-urgency congress in Bari (Italy): a unique opportunity for professionals and practitioners
A not-to-be-missed event is the one promoted and conceived by Dr. Fausto D’Agostino, medical director Anesthesiologist Resuscitation at the Campus Bio-Medico in Rome, which will be held in Bari at the Hi Hotel on Nov. 24-25 entitled “Theoretical-Practical EMERGENCY-URGENCY Congress“.
The congress features the extraordinary participation of SIS118 President Prof. Mario Balzanelli, who has always been committed to concrete actions in support of the emergency-urgency sector.
Political authorities and top national experts, including highly qualified university professors, medical executives, professionals and operators specialized in territorial emergency-urgency, will speak at the meeting.
An issue of fundamental importance in the framework of Italian health care and health protection and promotion will be addressed: the critical points and necessary changes in the Italian Health Service that have emerged following the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the reorganization and improvement of the functionality of the Territorial Emergency-Urgency System, the epicenter of healthcare, as highlighted with the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic, will be discussed.
Other topics covered will be: helicopter rescue, the use of technologies in emergency-urgency, and simulation.
The first day is devoted to lectures imprinted on the most relevant issues in the emergency field, with maximum practicality and interactivity.
On the second day, registrants will be able to practice in hands-on tests, in small groups around experts, under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Pipoli, who has been involved in medical simulation for years.
Doctors and emergency-emergency operators, in fact, will have the opportunity to rotate on practical stations set up with state-of-the-art simulation devices provided by the event’s partner companies. These are simulators with innovative technology, sophisticated life-size computer-controlled manikins capable of reproducing normal and pathological physiological signs and responding to treatments performed in a consistent manner.
“Very high realism, robotic, high-fidelity mannequins will be used for this session, with the ability to simulate any clinical scenario, thanks to the collaboration of leading companies in the field of simulated medicine,” explains Dr. D’Agostino.
Present will be: Full Professors of Anesthesia and Resuscitation Gilda Cinnella, University of Foggia; Salvatore Grasso, University of Bari; Vito Marco Ranieri, University of Bologna; Luciana Mascia, University of Lecce; Angelo Vacca, Full Professor of Internal Medicine, Coordinator of the School of Specialization in Emergency-Urgency Medicine, University of Bari. Also, Directors of Anesthesia and Resuscitation Luciano Anselmi of Bellizona, Michele Cacciapaglia of ASL Taranto, Giuseppe Pulito, of ASL Lecce, Pierfrancesco Fusco of Avezzano (AQ), and Directors of 118 Mario Balzanelli of Taranto, Donatello Iacobone of ASL BT, Anna Maria Natola of Bari and Vito Procacci Director of Emergency-Urgency Medicine of Bari Polyclinic, and Mario Rugna and Mario Scuderi experts in helicopter rescue and emergency ultrasound, respectively.
The congress is limited in number with limited seating.
Source and Images
Centro Formazione Medica Press Release