20th edition of Milipol Paris: security during major events!
Security during major events: 20th edition of Milipol Paris 21-24 November 2017, Paris-Nord Villepinte
For over 30 years the MILIPOL brand has been synonymous with high quality, international events covering the field of Homeland Security. Over the years the brand has been proudly represented by Milipol Paris and Milipol Qatar and more recently by Milipol Asia-Pacific.
Milipol Paris, organized under the auspices of the French Ministry of Interior in partnership with several governmental bodies, is the leading event dedicated to Homeland Security. Emergency Live receives and publish the following press release about the event:
Security in the context of organising major events, whether these are cultural, sporting or political, is an absolute imperative. Over the past years, the fight against terrorism and cyberattacks has become a major challenge. Necessary and compulsory, today it constitutes a fully-fledged strategy.
On the occasion of the 20th edition of Milipol Paris, which will be held from 21 to 24 November 2017 at
Paris-Nord Villepinte, the leading event for Homeland Security organised a conference on this theme in
partnership with S&D Magazine as part of its new “Les Jeudis de la Sécurité” meetings (1).
Drawing on their shared experiences at EURO 2016 and looking ahead to the City of Paris’s bid for the
2024 Olympic Games, Prefects Ziad Khoury (2) and Nicolas Desforges (3) announced their
recommendations in terms of developing the security strategy for a major event. The security strategy must be developed in advance of the event.
“It must be taken into consideration from the conception of the event by all of the teams
working on the project. Security has to be a priority in the very design of the event.” The security strategy is based on several areas.
“Risk anticipation and assessment, co-ordination between public and private sectors, close cooperation
with the legal authorities, and a strong command structure.” The security strategy is unique. There must only be one strategy.
“It constitutes a common framework of thought that must be shared by the different players concerned.” A security strategy is unique. Each event has its own equation.
“As risks evolve and as markers constantly move,
we can never simply copy and paste one strategy to another.”“The mix between public security and private security is evolving: organisers have more and more obligations. The links between the event itself and external factors are changing: for example, the link between transport and security is becoming critical. The manner in which security is managed is transforming: it used to be particularly concentrated on people but it is now necessary to ensure the security of vehicles and logistics. We focus on the security of the site on the days on which the event is taking place, but it is also necessary to monitor it before and between two matches, for a stadium, or between two concerts for a performance venue.”
The issue of what technology can bring to security during major events was undisputed and uncontested as far as all of this conference’s speakers were concerned.
On this subject, Prefect Pierre de Bousquet, Chairman of the Milipol exhibitions, stated that “it is important that companies propose the technological innovations that they have developed in terms of security to the organisers of major events. It seems to me that it is just as fundamental that the organisers of major events also express their expectations so that companies are able to design products/solutions that correspond to these needs.”
It is in this spirit that the next edition of the Milipol Paris exhibition will open its doors in November 2017. As the gathering point for all the key players in Homeland Security, Milipol Paris is the place where all the latest products and services of the sector are presented and where future trends are debated.
(1) Les jeudis de la sécurité (‘Security Thursdays’): these quarterly meetings bring together security decision-makers in the aim of contributing all year long to the debate around major themes in order to shape the future of the security sector. The conferences and round-table discussions are chaired by Mélanie Bénard-Crozat, Managing Editor of S&D Magazine.
(2) Prefect Ziad Khoury, Prefect with a public service remit, French Ministry of the Interior, former Director of Safety and Security for EURO 2016.
(3) Prefect Nicolas Desforges, Interministerial Delegate for Major Sporting Events, French Ministry of Urban Affairs, Youth and Sport.
Source: Milipol Press Office