Atlanta (US) - 8th Annual Health & Humanitarian Logistics Conference
From 29th to 31st August, the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, US will host the 8th Annual Health & Humanitarian Logistics Conference
The agenda of the 8th annual Health & Humanitarian Logistics (HHL) Conference features plenary panels and interactive workshops on a variety of topics related to supply chain management and logistics in global health and humanitarian response and development, as well as poster sessions on innovative research and ample opportunities for networking. See information on speakers, panel topics, health and humanitarian site visits.
The conference will feature keynote addresses from Principal Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Dr. Anne Schuchat, and from President and CEO of CARE USA, Michelle Nunn, on humanitarian emergencies, as well as plenary panels on the below topics:
- Strengthening Public Health Systems
- Supply Chain Complexities in Refugee Crisis Response
- Designing Supply Chains for Health Emergencies
- Sudden Onset Disasters: Matching Supply with Demand
If you would like to lead a break-out WORKSHOP at the conference, please submit an abstract online (up to 1-page, including the names and bios of all presenters) on the Conference website here before June 24, 2016. Private sector companies must include a co-presenter from a non-governmental organization (NGO), governmental partner, or other organization as a demonstration of collaboration.
2016 HHL Conference Co-Organizers
- Özlem Ergun, Northeastern University; co-director, Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems, Georgia Tech
- Jarrod Goentzel, Humanitarian Response Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT
- Pinar Keskinocak and Julie Swann, Center for Health & Humanitarian Systems (CHHS), Georgia Tech
- Luk Van Wassenhove, Humanitarian Research Group, INSEAD
There are no conference scholarships or financial aid. However, limited funds are available to support students presenting accepted posters at the conference. Support includes free conference registration and up to $250 in travel expenses for students traveling in the US and up to $500 for students traveling outside of the US. To be considered for financial support, attach a single PDF file containing the items listed on the website as part of your poster submission. Poster presenter pays registration fee up front and will be reimbursed after the conference.
Registration is now live online. If you have questions about registration, rates, or other information, you may also e-mail us at humlogconf@gatech.edu.
Visit the event website