FREQUENTIS unified communications wins 2016 Future Tech Award
At the 2016 Critical Communications World’s gala evening on 1 June, the Future Tech Award went to Frequentis for its Unified Radio Gateway (URG) solution
The ceremony followed pitches by each of the competing organisations earlier in the day to present their solutions to innovation, meeting the latest end users’ needs and the strength of the business case for their submission.
The Unified Radio Gateway (URG) is a modular, scalable and high-availability analogue and/or digital radio gateway that connects networks, radios and dispatcher terminals/ICCS from different manufactur-ers to ensure communications continuity while delivering the functionality offered by the manufacturers to and from the control room (e. g. group calls, private calls, emergency calls, text messages, status messages, event monitoring, etc.).
Among many excellent products and solutions providers demonstrating how they will make the biggest impact in the Critical Communications market over the next two years, Frequentis was selected as the winner for its URG solution.
URG is already deployed in North-Rhine Westphalia providing centralised network entry points for sixty Fire Service control rooms. In doing so it delivers cost and operational benefits.
Johann Schweiger, Director Public Safety Sales and Business Development at Frequentis, explains the awarded solution:
“We are proud to receive this award for a solution satisfying all future demands. URG offers unparal-leled scalability and re-use of hardware and software should changes occur in the user environment, e. g. enlargement, relocation, or a new network provider, and all without interruption to operational systems”
Frequentis is an international supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks. These control centre solutions are developed and distributed by Frequentis in the business segments Air Traffic Management (civil and military air traffic control, and air defence) and Public Safety & Transport (police, fire and rescue services, emergency medical services, vessel traffic and railways). Frequentis maintains a worldwide network of subsidiaries and local representatives in more than fifty countries. The company’s products and solutions are behind more than 25,000 operator positions in over 120 countries. With this extensive portfolio, Frequentis is the leading provider of voice communication systems… all making our world a safer place every day!
For more information, please visit www.frequentis.com
Alexa Billensteiner, Influencer Marketing Expert, Frequentis AG, alexa.billensteiner@frequentis.com, phone: +43 1 81150-1437
Caption: Johann Schweiger and Peter Prater from Frequentis with the Future Tech Award 2016
Copyright: KNect 365 TMT – An Informa Business
Press Release Amsterdam/Vienna, June 2016.