ISA launched the new KPR Young Anaesthesiologist Award 2020
The Indian Society of Anesthesiologists (ISA) is calling for applications to the KPR Young Anesthesiologists Award 2020. A great occasion for aspiring anesthesiologists in India to get a prestigious title.
The Kerala state, India, announced the arrival of the KPR Young Anaesthesiologist Award. All anesthesiologists who are members of ISA and work in India are invited to apply. Below the precise indications on how to participate.
KPR Young Anesthesiologists Award 2020, how to apply
As the KPR Young Anesthesiologists Award 2020 has been instituted in memory of late Dr K.P. Ramachandran, the doyen of Anaesthesiology, it represents a very important title for anesthesiologists of entire India.
Basis requirements for application:
- Within 10 years after the postgraduate qualification
- To be a life member of ISA
Selection criteria
- Research & Publications in the field of anaesthesia & allied specialities.
- Academic and Professional achievements
- Contributions to ISA
- Contributions to Social and Public cause
The Award, KPR Young Anesthesiologists India
- A cash award of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand)
- Citation and medal (will be presented during the Annual ISA Kerala State Conference)
- Presentation of his/her major research work at the 44th Kerala State Annual Conference to be held in 16-18 October 2020 at Thodupuzha, Kerala.
- TA (II tier AC train fare by the shortest route) and local hospitality for the presentation will be provided.
India, KPR Young Anesthesiologists Award 2020, other requirements
The KPR YOung Anesthesiologists Award co-ordinator has to receive the application with the detailed CV and reprints/copies of publications, including other supporting documents on or before 31st August 2020.
Please, find the contacts HERE
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ISA Indian Society of Anesthesiologists official website