Organ transport, the first European "drone ambulance" debuts in Turin: it will transport kidneys
Drone ambulance for organ transport: the long-awaited INDOOR project will become a reality in autumn: tests on organ transfer for transplantation promoted by Fonfazione D.O.T. will begin in Turin in the coming weeks
The INDOOR (usING Drones fOr Organ tRansplantation) project is now underway: promoted by Fondazione D.O.T. with the collaboration of Politecnico di Torino, Città della Salute and Università di Torino, it aims to test the effectiveness, safety and feasibility of using Remotely Piloted Aircraft – or drones – in transplantation medicine.
Ambulance drone, aiming to speed up the transport of biological material and organs
A high-tech innovation that will make it possible to speed up the transport of biological material and organs between Piedmontese hospitals, while preserving the excellent quality and conservation of the materials.
Drone ambulance, an added value: a significant reduction in transport costs
The project’s institutional partners are the National Transplant Centre, the Regional Transplant Centre, AOU Città della Salute, the Polytechnic University of Turin and the University of Turin.
Working alongside them are ENAC (the Italian Civil Aviation Authority), PIC4SeR (PoliTo Interdepartmental Center for Service Robotics), ProS3, which specialises in the design of remotely piloted aircraft systems, and Mavtech, a company whose core business is the development of innovative products for aerial surveillance and operational support for civil applications, without which drones would not have been implemented.
Thanks to this project,” says Professor Antonio Amoroso, Coordinator of the Regional Transplant Centre of the Piedmont Region, “we have the opportunity to experiment (and hopefully find) more effective transport solutions for the movement of test tubes and organs, which today is usually done by road, with the limitations of time and unexpected events due to traffic.
This is a challenge we feel we must take on in order to increase the safety and quality of our own and all patients waiting for a transplant”.
The engineering project will be developed thanks to a study grant awarded by the D.O.T Foundation, which is expected to be followed by others from the University of Turin and the Polytechnic.
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