PECARN Pediatric Head CT Rule Project - Pediatric TBI guideline
Every year in Canada, nearly 50,000 children visit the ER because of a TBI (traumatic brain injury). According to this data, the PECARN Pediatric Head Injury Prediction Rule has been created.
Thanks to the PECARN-ALiEM-CanadiEM knowledge translation project, a useful guide for physicians in order to determine which children need to be exposed to the harmful radiation of a CT scan versus those that we can safely discharge home without one.
Creation of the visual tool
Gabe Sudario, an Emergency Medicine resident at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, gathered an international, multi-team workgroup six months ago, in order to create a visual tool to:
- Simplify the algorithm for users
- Serve as a reminder for users who have familiarity with the study.
- Be used as a reference tool for a multi-disciplinary team to come to clinical decisions in the resuscitation area.
After these six months of collaboration, three teams were formed amongst the international working group and each one drafted a design for this purpose. Each group elaborated a project to reach a final product, which revealed to be the official PECARN head trauma, visual decision rule aid.
PECARN under 2
PECARN over 2