PTSD: the silent enemy - How it is influencing British military and veterans
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a disease we talked about many and many times. This disturb generally affects emergency operators and military soldiers. In particular, veterans, who survived wars and who saw cruelties and desolation.
Traumatic diseases like this, are not easy to defeat, moreover, the veteran military personnel who are diagnosed with PTSD are not receiving the clinical or financial support they need.
As a reference, find data and infographic below.
This is despite the fact that post-traumatic stress disease is more understood than ever before. In fact, as the infographic points out, doctors have been treating soldiers for the psychological effects of combat since World War I.
The infographic focuses on facts about how post-traumatic stress disease affects servicemen and women.
Some highlights
Some of the highlights of this infographic include:
- 65,000 WWI veterans were still being treated for ‘shell shock’ 10 years later
- Post-traumatic diseased in the US affects 31% of veterans
- 1 in 3 people develop post-traumatic disease after a traumatic experience
- Under 18s are significantly more likely to suffer PTSD when leaving the forces
- 93% of veterans are ashamed or embarrassed about their mental health problems
- 62% of PTSD sufferers also have current or past alcohol or drug problems
- 3/4 of veterans on average resolve symptoms with counselling