Salvia Haenkei: new weapon against aging
A team of researchers has discovered a potential anti-aging weapon. Salvia Haenkei is a plant that can reduce the cells responsible for aging
From the University of Padova and the Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine comes a revolutionary discovery. A team of researchers, led by Monica Montopoli and Andrea Alimonti, has identified Salvia Haenkei as a potential anti-aging weapon. This plant is able to act selectively on senescent cells, real “factories of old age.”
What is Salvia Haenkei?
Salvia Haenkei is a plant native to South America, particularly Peru and Bolivia, also known as “shrimp” sage because of the red color of its distinctive flowers. It is an ornithophilous sage, that is, it reproduces thanks to hummingbirds, and grows in inaccessible and hard-to-reach terrain between 2,500 and 3,500 meters above sea level.
A state-of-the-art senotherapeutic
According to laboratory results from the University of Padua and the Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine, the extract of this particular plant has senotherapeutic effects, that is, it can reduce senescent cells, which are responsible for aging. From what we saw in the results, its potency exceeds that of products already on the market, such as resveratrol or quercetin. “We observed an improvement in aging parameters in several tissues,” explain researchers Sara Zumerle and Miles Sarill “Treatment with Hk significantly decreased some age-related symptoms in muscles, kidneys, skin, and lungs.” “Even chemotherapy-induced senescence caused by doxorubicin treatment was mitigated by Hk treatment,” Zumerle and Sarill added.
How does it work?
Salvia Haenkei extract acts selectively on senescent cells, which are responsible for aging, eliminating them without damaging healthy cells. This mechanism of action makes it a particularly promising weapon in the fight against aging, as it can counteract its effects without causing unwanted side effects.
Multiple benefits
This astounding discovery paves the way for several possible revolutionary therapeutic applications in combating aging and its effects. Potential benefits include:
- Increased life expectancy
- Improved quality of life in the elderly
- Reduced risk of aging-related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration
- Faster recovery from trauma and disease
- Improved cognitive function
Of course, further studies will be needed to confirm the efficacy and safety of Salvia Haenkei extract in humans, but the preclinical results are indeed encouraging. Salvia Haenkei could become a valuable weapon in our fight for a longer and healthier life.
Sources and Images
- https://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza/notizie/biotech/2024/07/05/nella-salvia-una-possibile-arma-anti-invecchiamento-_32383bf9-493d-4cec-b44b-0516aa6b925f.html
- https://www.sanitainformazione.it/salute/dalla-salvia-nuova-terapia-anti-invecchiamento/
- https://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/salute/terapia-salvia-anti-invecchiamento-scoperta_84318384-202402k.shtml
- By Dinkum – Kaugalingong trabaho, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36329574