Viewing an ultra-brief chest compression only video improves some measures of bystander CPR performance and responsiveness at a mass gathering event
Authors: Daniel L. Beskind, Uwe Stolz, Rebecca Thiede, Riley Hoyer, Whitney Robertson, Jeffrey Brown, Melissa Ludgate, Timothy Tiutan, Romy Shane, Deven McMorrow, Michael Pleasants, Karl B. Kern, Ashish R. Panchal
The University of Arizona College of Medicine, The Center for EMS, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, The Center for EMS, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, USA
CPR training at mass gathering events is an important part of health initiatives to improve cardiac arrest survival. However, it is unclear whether training lay bystanders using an ultra-brief video at a mass gathering event improves CPR quality and responsiveness.
To determine if showing a chest-compression only (CCO) Ultra-Brief Video (UBV) at a mass gathering event is effective in teaching lay bystanders CCO-CPR.
Prospective control trial in adults (age >18) who attended either a women’s University of Arizona or a men’s Phoenix Suns basketball game. Participants were evaluated using a standardized cardiac arrest scenario with Laerdal Skillreporter™ mannequins. CPR responsiveness (calling 911, time to calling 911, starting compressions within two minutes) and quality (compression rate, depth, hands-off time) were assessed for participants and data collected at Baseline and Post-intervention. Different participants were tested before and after the exposure of the UBV. Data were analyzed via the intention to treat principle using logistic regression for binary outcomes and median regression for continuous outcomes, controlling for clustering by venue.
A total of 96 people were consented (Baseline = 45; Post intervention = 51). CPR responsiveness post intervention improved with faster time to calling 911 (s) and time to starting compressions (sec). Likewise, CPR quality improved with deeper compressions and improved hands-off time.
Showing a UBV at a mass gathering sporting event is associated with improved CPR responsiveness and performance for lay bystanders. This data provides further support for the use of mass media interventions.