Where’s baby? – The American campaign to avoid children heatstroke
LOOK BEFORE YOU LOCK – The motto of the American campaign launched by Safecar.gov in order to avoid forgotten children into cars which could risk heatstroke.
With this motto, Safecar.gov wants to remind a tragic reality which every year occurs. From 1998-2015, 661 children died due to heatstroke, locked up into the cars of their parents or relatives.
According to statistics, of the 661 deaths:
- 54% child “forgotten” by caregiver (356 children)
- 29% child playing in unattended vehicle (186 children)
- 17% child intentionally left in vehicle by adult (111 children)
- 1% were unknown cases (5 children)
Do you think your children are always safe? Think you will never let this happen? Good, but this is not enough.
- 54% of cases the child was “forgotten” by the caregiver.
- 29% percent of cases, children got into the vehicle on their own.
Even great parents can forgot. Look before you lock.