Central Europe struck by bad weather; Prague flooded, images of the rescue operations
Massive damage in Prague and the surrounding area where the Moldova, the famous river that crosses the Golden City broke its banks, 5 people dead. The nightmare of the 1980 Prague flood appears to have come back to the minds of the citizens that tragically remember those moments in which the Moldova flooded the city and the underground transport system causing serious problems for everyone.
Even the Danube was dangerously high and the situation is critical in many other parts of Central Europe. Budapest, Vienna and Bern are worried, above all farmers and stock breeders who fear the devastation brought by rising water levels. Berlin and several areas of Thuringia have suffered much damage. Even with the best preventative efforts of the German Civil Protection unit, other cities shake with fear: Cologne, Koblenz, Dortmund, and there doesn’t appear to be any hope of drier weather until the end of next weekend.
Maximum alert throughout Germany, and the whole of the Bundeswher, the German armed forces, have been mobilised with enormous Sikorsky Super Stallion cargo helicopters, several lorries, and other amphibious means of transport that are keeping a constant eye on the land. The situation has worsened near Passau in Bavaria, where the level of the Danube has reached 12.50 metres.
In Austria too the situation is critical because of the swelling of the River Inn which has led to 2 persons injured and 1 missing.
In the gallery see the problems caused by the Moldova breaking its banks in Prague.