From Ice to Rice, now use your bucket for another good gift!
Didiyou show yourself and your donation with the #icebucket challenge? Did you put on your facebook board videos and news about ALS? Well, now, how could you give your strenght and your courage to fight the famine that grip the world?
A woman found the way. Inspired by the global charity chain to spread awareness about the ALS disease, Manju Latha Kalanidhi has come up with an ingenious way to help people in famine, with the RICE Bucket Challenge. Another kind of social media chain that don’t remain restrained on your LCD monitor (and aim to save water too).
So move yourself and go to the kitchen! You could find all the info about the challenge on the #ricebucketchallenge official facebook page.
- Pickup a bowl (the same one that you’d prepared for the ASL challenge, it’s good enough)
- Go to the nearest needy person and give it to them
- Click a picture and post it on facebook with hashtag #ricebucketchallenge
- Tag all your friends and ask them to take up the challenge.
So, insipre yourself and your friend about this challenge. This is an Indian version for Indian needs challenge, that start on Facebook some days ago. In this challenge, all one needs to do is to cook or buy a bucket of rice and feed someone who needs it. It’s that simple. As the #icebucket you must to use the #ricebucket hashtag to ask to friends to pay it forward.
Manju post on Facebook started off this challenge. “My own local, practical and tangible version/response to #icebucketchallenge… save water feed the hungry!” she wrote and almost instantly received thumbs ups from all those who liked her idea.