"Do No Harm" - Video project for the awareness about doctors suicide
Currently, a frightening phoenomenon is happening in US. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, there is the highest rate of suicide among all professions in America.
About this fact, Robyn Symon, a two-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for DO NO HARM, a feature-length documentary on the rate of doctors suicide. The message of this film is:
“This terrible thing is happening, and here are the horrible stats. Here are the reasons why it is happening, and here are the wide range of victims. Here are the things that could be changed, and some of the players who could use their power and influence to bring about change. Let’s all consider this film to be a call to action.”
“For every doctor who dies by the act of suicide, thousands more contemplate the act, and many thousands more are depressed, and/or dangerously fatigued due to marathon work hours. The sleep deprivation experienced by doctors adds risk to every patient they treat, and medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of death – affecting us all. Our doctors work within a system that fosters unrealistic expectations, imbues them with an inability to either emote, admit their humanity, and/or seek counsel, and forces upon them unsafe parameters and conditions that puts them and their patients at risk. It is not unusual for a hospital (or medical center) physician to treat several thousands of patients per year. Given the current annual physician suicide rate, this means more than 1 million patients are directly impacted – each year! Yes, this qualifies – not only as an epidemic, but as an urgent public health crisis. And we’re all affected.
“When you haven’t slept in days it’s like you’re under the influence. And you’re making life and death decisions in that state.”
Delicia Haynes, M.D.