Italian military aircraft provided a MEDEVAC transport of a nun from DR Congo to Rome

A KC-767A delivery aircraft of the Italian Aeronautica Militare carried out the bio-containment MEDEVAC of an Italian nun from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where she was in a humanitarian mission.

This MEDEVAC transfer from DR Congo to Italy was requested by the Italian Embassy in Kinshasa to the Italian Aeronautica Militare. The nun was carrying out a humanitarian nation when the need for medical transportation to Rome became necessary.

The opportunity to carry out the bio-containment transport of the patient, suffering from respiratory difficulties, emerged following coordination with the health authorities of the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome, where the patient was admitted.

MEDEVAC in DR Congo: Italian nun in humanitarian mission delivered to Italy

The aircraft took off from Pratica di Mare airport shortly after midnight and landed in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, at 7:20 a.m. Italian time.

Once the patient was carried on board, the aircraft took off again and arrived at Pratica di Mare Airport at about 16.00. From here, the nun was transferred by an Air Force ambulance, specially equipped to transport patients in bio-containment.

The entire MEDEVAC operation was conducted by a team from the ‘Infermeria Principale di Pratica di Mare del Servizio Sanitario dell’Aeronautica Militare’, specialized in bio-containment transportations from DR Congo.

For the coronavirus emergency, the Italian Ministry of Defense made available to the Institutions personnel with the latest generation means, used for many types of missions, from search and rescue to transport and support to special operations. All means are used and authorized for transport in biocontainment.

The Armed Forces play their part within the “country system” thanks to constant management of the health emergency in coordination with the Civil Protection Department and the Ministry of Health.


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