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Ambulance, developers, coachbuilders of emergency vehicles, medical response car, motorcycle ambulance, bike ambulance, and other vehicles on wheels who deserve EMS.

Assault on 118 operators: a safety alert

Violence Episode in Rome Raises Alarm on Emergency Personnel Protection The Incident: An Unexpected Attack On the evening of January 4th, in Rome, at the Via Candoni nomad camp, the staff of a 118 ambulance was…

Emergency and Innovation: AI in Automotive Rescue

How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Rescue Vehicles AI in Rescue: A Leap Forward The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive sector is opening new frontiers, especially in rescue vehicles. This technology is…

Napoleon and the first ambulance in history

The First Ambulance and the Revolution in Medical Rescue in the 19th Century These days theaters are crowded for the release of "Napoleon," Ridley Scott's new film that traces the rise to power up to the exile on the island of St. Helena…