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Ambulance, developers, coachbuilders of emergency vehicles, medical response car, motorcycle ambulance, bike ambulance, and other vehicles on wheels who deserve EMS.

Gael, Aviaton safety solutions for HEMS and industries

MASSA AIRPORT, ITALY - HEMS Congress has been the most important meeting about air ambulance rescue of the Italian market. With more than 250 professionals, 50 discussants, 42 relators and the most important companies about helicopters and…

911 Super Users: can an App reduce their number?

A new app called AddressIQ hopes to reduce unnecessary medical emergency calls by linking addresses to 911 dispatches. In the city of Long Beach there is a small number of people making too many 911 calls for medical assistance. This is…

Should paramedics continue to intubate?

On a cool fall evening, an ambulance and engine company are dispatched to assist a 44 year old male who is having difficulty breathing. The dispatcher reports that the patient has a history of asthma. The ambulance is staffed by an EMT and…