Brazil, strong increase in young people suffering from Covid: iIn addition to the explosion of cases of Covid-19 since the beginning of 2021, what has frightened health professionals at the forefront of combating the pandemic are the…
Telegram and other dark social networks can be a vehicle for dangerous and illegal conduct: more than 4,000 registered users, in this case, for purchases on darkweb. Exorbitant prices: 155 euros for a supposed dose of vaccine and up to…
Covid vaccine sold voluntarily in poor countries: the proposal comes from the Director-General of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Nigerian economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Use of the helmet reduces the need for intubation by Covid: "This study confirms that SIAARTI is at the forefront in identifying new and better therapeutic paths", stresses President Flavia Petrini
The Covid vaccine for children, or at any rate for adolescent paediatric patients, has been a hotly debated topic among paediatricians for many months.
London's 'near-zero deaths' from the Covid vaccine have caused a media sensation, leading to an easing of travel restrictions. In the UK, on the other hand, the vaccination plan began two months earlier than in Italy and the rest of Europe.