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H24 emergency news from the world.

How to respond to CBRNE incidents?

What does it mean as CBRNE incidents? They are not so common, but in case, they can turn out in mass casualties and a total disaster. That is why all the EMS responders must be well prepared to respond.

A powerful earthquake hit Albania tonight

Hunderd of people are missing. It is one of the most powerful quake in the history of the Contry. Search and Rescue Teams are ready to fly in Albania from Italy, Greece, France and Turkey.

Tourniquet: Stop bleeding after a gunshot wound

Tourniquets are very important devices for emergency services, in particular in situations where wounds are critical and can cause death. Their action is specific to stop the bleed and permit first responders and paramedics to intervene…

Top 10 Ambulance Equipment

When an emergency strikes and the hospital is too far, ambulances save lives on the go. First responders must dispatch in case any emergency occurs and the quality of ambulance equipment is essential.