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H24 emergency news from the world.

Be with Nepal and give your help

We have all seen images of devastation in Nepal on magazines, TV and social media. More than 4,000 people have been confirmed dead, tens of thousands more have been left homeless. Now the question for many people is "What can I do to…

Global rescuers converging on Nepal

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Nepal with devastating force Saturday, killing thousands of people. Many more are unaccounted for as the search for survivors continues. There is still time to save lives and that’s why aid agencies and…

Germanwings A320 has crashed in France - LIVE TWEET

German air traffic control confirms Germanwings A320 travelling from Barcelona to Dusseldorf has crashed in France. French president says there are likely 'no survivors' in Alps crash of plane carrying 148 people.  A resident of…

Interschutz 2015, the biggest Interschutz Ever

Innovation at an all-time high: this year’s INTERSCHUTZ to feature more exhibitors than ever before –       Deutsche Messe expecting some 1,400 exhibitors and over 100,000 square meters of booked space –       German Interior Minister…

Gomis collapsed on the field for a drop in blood pressure

THE GUARDIAN -  Bafétimbi Gomis collapsed on the field at White Hart Lane on Wednesday night to briefly spark nightmarish memories of the Fabrice Muamba drama from almost three years ago at this same stadium. The Swansea City striker has…