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The problem of salaries and the flight of nurses

Health, Nursing Up Report. De Palma: "£1500 per week from the UK, up to €2900 per month from the Netherlands! European countries are upping the ante with their own economic proposals and are targeting Italian nurses, the most specialized…

The Black Death: a tragedy that changed Europe

Under the Shadow of Death: The Arrival of the Plague In the heart of the 14th century, Europe was struck by its most devastating pandemic in history: the Black Death. Between 1347 and 1352, this disease spread unchecked, leaving behind a…

112: a single number for all emergencies

How the European Emergency Number is Transforming Emergency Response in Europe and Italy The number that unites Europe in case of emergency The European Emergency Number (EEN) 112 represents a milestone in the realm of rescue and safety…

HERA: Europe's response to health emergencies

A Step Forward in the European Union for Health Emergency Preparedness and Response The Creation and Importance of HERA With the establishment of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), the European Union has…