Helicopter rescue, the collaboration between the Army Aviation (AVES) and the Fire Brigade (VVF) continues in the training of personnel for HEMS operations
The Civil Protection exercise SIQUAKE is back in Slovenia: the Slovenian organisers, as the name of the initiative suggests, refine the techniques of response in a very specific maxi emergency, the earthquake
This year, we opened the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2021 in a very special way. Emergency services officials from all over Europe were awarded with EENA’s medal of honour for Distinguished Service during COVID-19 – a touching…
Become a firefighter in Italy: the path is complex and requires great preparation: firefighters, all over the world and in Italy too, carry out a difficult and complex job, and the people selected must be able to do it
In the DSM V, pyromania is classified as an impulse control and conduct disorder, and it appears to be based on an intense obsession with fire, flames and their effects
Tethered drones up to 45 metres that rescuers will send to the intervention scenario, giving them a complete picture and enabling them to make more informed decisions about priorities
Forest fires in Brazil: according to data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) the cause is mostly human, but there is a direct aggravation caused by the drought
A curious but beautiful episode happened in Magadan, Russia: a baby orca was stranded in Gertner Bay, on the closest side of Russia to Japan, and was about to die