Chest injuries are responsible for 25% of all traumatic deaths annually. It is important for all EMS providers to be suspicious and vigilant when faced with a chest trauma patient
EMERGENCY will collaborate with the scientific society Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC) to create a group of certified instructors able to teach, in EMERGENCY's treatment centres all over the world, the most advanced methods of assisting…
Penetrating trauma results in a complex interplay between various mechanisms of injury. The unpredictable nature of the resulting trauma leads to many unique patient presentations
SEUAM (Sanitary Emergency Urban Air Mobility), the project devised by the Società Italiana Sistema 118 to provide support to 118 Operations Centres and speed up rescue and resuscitation operations in critical situations, such as in the…
In EMS, we have seen advances and changes come about in airway management in the past several years, but oral intubation is still the best way to gain complete airway control in patients that are unable to control it themselves
An arm sling holds the forearm in a raised or horizontal position and can support an injured upper arm, forearm and wrist. The sling is also a useful visual warning to others that someone is injured