Browsing Tag

first responder

first responder, volunteers and people who did not attend to a BLS course, who need information for fast and correct first aid treatment.

Advanced Training for Rescue Professionals

The Importance of Ongoing and Quality Training For first responders, advanced and continuous training is essential to maintain high skills and provide effective responses to emergencies. Through such training, they can not only update…

Piero's Diary - The Advanced Medical Posts (AMPs)

The Adaptability of Advanced Medical Posts (AMPs) in the Emergency Medical Plan: An Anticipation of the Modern Out-of-Hospital Medical Rescue System Having solved the problem of medical responders, about 280 (doctors, nurses, rescue…

Crisis in Sudan: the challenges of relief

An analysis of the difficulties faced by rescuers The Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan Sudan, a country marked by decades of conflicts and political instability, is facing one of the most severe humanitarian crises of our time. Internal…

Economic Inequalities in Healthcare in the USA

Exploring the Challenges of the EMS System in the Context of Income Disparity The Economic and Personnel Crisis in EMS In the United States, medical emergencies are managed through the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system, which faces…