Browsing Tag

first responder

first responder, volunteers and people who did not attend to a BLS course, who need information for fast and correct first aid treatment.

Interschutz 2015, the biggest Interschutz Ever

Innovation at an all-time high: this year’s INTERSCHUTZ to feature more exhibitors than ever before –       Deutsche Messe expecting some 1,400 exhibitors and over 100,000 square meters of booked space –       German Interior Minister…

Strange Tattoos: Your Air Ambulance Service on arms

Wales Air Ambulance volunteer Peter Edwards is so dedicated to his favourite charity he’s had a replica helicopter tattooed on his arm. Peter has been volunteering with Wales Air Ambulance for more than three years, where he helps out in…

First large-scale anit-ebola vaccine trials to begin

The first large-scale trials of an experimental vaccine against Ebola are due to begin in Liberia. The potentially preventative medicine was taken under strict security to a secret location in the West African country. Scientists aim to…