Browsing Tag

first responder

first responder, volunteers and people who did not attend to a BLS course, who need information for fast and correct first aid treatment.

Red Cross opens Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone

Freetown, 15 September 2014 - The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) has opened its first Ebola treatment centre in Kenema, Sierra Leone, one of the districts worst affected by the deadly outbreak. “This…

#SAMIcontest: Face the European Heroes of Rescue

Anpas - Sami Contest 2014 , Adria/Venice - Young Heroes Without Superpowers from andre@c on Vimeo. The European Contest of young rescuer #SAMIcontest finished yesterday in Venice, Italy. A total of 350 people partecipate at the event and…

SAMIcontest: Young heroes without superpowers in Venice

The 5th SAMARITAN Contest will take place from August 7 to August 10, 2014 in Adria and Venice, Italy, with ANPAS. This year's contest coincides with the run-up to the International Day of Youth! 84 young people in 16 teams from 10…