Browsing Tag

first responder

first responder, volunteers and people who did not attend to a BLS course, who need information for fast and correct first aid treatment.

Libya: ICRC delegate murdered in Sirte

Tripoli (ICRC) – The ICRC condemns in the strongest possible terms the murder of its staff member Michael Greub. The 42-year-old Swiss national, head of the organization's Misrata sub-delegation, was killed by armed men around midday today…

Weil Mini Chest, an automatic way for CPR

The Weil Mini Chest Compressor is a pneumatically driven piston device that provides the optimal 100 chest compressions per minute with 2 inches in depth. Once securely in place, the Weil Mini provides consistent rhythm resulting in…

A call for respect the Red Cross emblem in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society, the Russian Red Cross Society, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) are extremely concerned about the humanitarian…

Disease warning for Balkans flood

The European Commission said on Tuesday that 19 EU states had now offered assistance, with close to 400 relief workers from member countries on the ground. Kristalina Georgieva, EU commissioner for humanitarian aid and crisis response, met…

Serbia and Bosnia Flood, Europe give his support

Red Cross teams working in close cooperation with the emergency management sector and local emergency headquarters have been helping evacuate the population affected by severe floods in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The region has…

RETTmobil 2014: Forum of Global Importance

The 14th RETTmobil is the concentrate of tradition and progress, achievement and success, for which there is no comparison on our continent. An impulse for the industry and the economy. A must for all those who help and…

8 May, your story for the Red Cross Red Crescent Day

8 May is Red Cross Red Crescent Day. Tadateru Konoé, President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, talk about the common…