Browsing Tag

first responder

first responder, volunteers and people who did not attend to a BLS course, who need information for fast and correct first aid treatment.

Are you a Good Samaritan?

It’s been a busy day. On the way home you notice a small knot of people gathered around a middle-aged person, prostrate on the pavement. The bystanders look uncertain of what to do. Do you stop and help?. Now there's a new app: the…

How to use social media during Emergency?

"What will an emergency 2.0 resilient community look like?" is the article of Emergency 2.0 who talk over some scenarios of how a resilient community empowered with the knowledge to use social media and web 2.0 tools would recover from an…

MH370, how goes search operation?

Search operation for Malaysia Airlines aircraft continues: here below Update 19 from AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) Today’s search for any signs of the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft in the Australian Search and…

Tips for surviving extreme weather conditions

US gas and electricity distributor National Grid launches Emergency Preparedness Month. An awareness campaign directed at its customers providing practical information to deal more effectively and more safely with the type of unprecedented…

Mine rescue training in Taos, New Mexico

This year New Mexico’s traditional Southwestern Regional Mine Rescue contest was held in Taos, at the Taos Convention Center. Miners and volunteers from two teams underwent three days of theory and practical tests. A written exam and…