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forest fire

Arson fires: some of the most common reasons

Arson fires: the role of arsonists, economic interests and rescuers We have now seen several fires that have created various disasters: some of these remain world-famous precisely because of the number of hectares burned, the number of…

The threat of mega-fires in the Canary Islands

Mega-forest fires: how to protect Spain from this threat Scientists have issued an apocalyptic warning about the future of forest fires in Spain, especially in the Canary Islands, where the possibility of mega-fires that could devastate…

Fighting forest fires: EU invests in new Canadairs

More European Canadairs against fires in Mediterranean countries The increasing threat of forest fires in Mediterranean countries has prompted the European Commission to take decisive measures to protect the affected regions. The news of…

Fires in 2019 and the Prolonged Consequences

Global fire crisis, a problem since 2019 Before the Pandemic, there were other crises that unfortunately went to be rather forgotten. In this case we have to describe the issue of fires, which in 2019 presented itself as a virtually global…

Forest fires in British Columbia: a record balance sheet

From extreme drought to unprecedented destruction: the fire crisis in British Columbia The year 2023 marks a sad record for British Columbia (BC): the most destructive forest fire season ever recorded, according to data provided by the BC…