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Basic understanding of the pulse oximeter

Oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells when moving through the lungs. It is transported throughout the body as arterial blood. A pulse oximeter uses two frequencies of light (red and infrared) to determine the percentage (%) of…

Air strikes, clashes continue to flaunt Yemen truce

RELIEFWEB.INT -  Air strikes in support of forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi went on, despite a six-day humanitarian truce, which technically took effect just before midnight on 10 July. Aden, Yemen | 12:40 GMT…

RAW - terrifing crash involved a fire truck in Poland

POLAND, Kluczbork -  A terrific crash happened On Saturday at 12.00 in the town of Kluczbork. Here below you could see the images of the accident scene and a footage from a dash-cam, which capture all the incident evolution. In the Dash-Cam…