Finger Twitching: when we wake up in the morning with a finger stuck in flexion, or when we experience the unpleasant sensation of a finger snapping in flexion-extension when we do manual activities, we may be suffering from Notta's…
Dementia: Erica Balboni's project shows a close relationship between particulate matter and a reduction in the volume of the hippocampus, a brain structure crucial to memory
Fibromyalgia is not easy to recognise and can be confused with rheumatological diseases. It is a widespread but also underestimated condition: between 5 and 8% of the female population aged between 30 and 40 suffer from it
Many authors agree that postpartum psychosis is the most serious form of puerperal depression. Postpartum psychosis occurs in less than 2 cases per 1000 deliveries
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): Midulla, head of the paediatric emergency department at the Umberto I polyclinic in Rome and president of the Italian Society for Childhood Respiratory Diseases (Simri): 'The younger the child, the more…