Sicily, a Canadair crashed in the territory of Linguaglossa, in the province of Catania: it was a fire-fighting aircraft that crashed on the slopes of Mount Etna
Italy, the tremendous water bomb that hit the Marche region brought death and devastation, but now the figures from the Prefecture of Ancona have also arrived, giving a tragic picture of the situation
Operations continue for the extinction of forest and interface fires that have been engaging the fire brigades on the Gorizia and Trieste Carso since yesterday morning
A paediatric ambulance for Kiev: this is the goal of two teachers from the Golgi Institute in Breno, who have put their passion for cycling at the disposal of a solidarity fundraiser
The third Italian Red Cross civilian evacuation mission from Ukraine will leave tonight for Lviv, with the aim of bringing about one hundred vulnerable people to Italy, including several children suffering from various diseases and…
Cnsas National Assembly elections, confirmation of Maurizio Dellantonio: "Onwards for another three years. To see Soccorso Alpino e Speleologico grow again, with the aim of being even more efficient in helping people in the mountains"
From Brescia (Italy) to the tormented Ukraine: three ambulances and two vans loaded with medicines, medical equipment and medical-surgical aids. Thirteen volunteers from the Camonica-based association DomaniZavtra, led by president Diego…