For every rescuer, cardiac arrest is one of the most critical moments, and ZOLL's new X Series® Advanced monitor/defibrillator provides the most effective patient management available
Retinal detachment: they are called myodesopias, but we often refer to them as "flying flies", small moving spots that alter our vision and are often accompanied by flashes of light
Ablation of re-entry tachycardias is an ablative therapy based on the identification of the accessory pathway by means of endocavitary electrophysiological study and subsequent ablation by radiofrequency of this pathway
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes caused by substances called allergens. Dust mites, animal hair, mould spores, pollen: these are the main causes of allergic rhinitis, a very common disorder that manifests…
Paget-Schroetter syndrome, also known as Paget-von Schrötter syndrome, is a form of deep vein thrombosis of the upper limbs, a medical condition in which blood clots in the deep veins of the arms. This usually occurs in the axillary or…
A cerebral aneurysm is a dilation of an artery in the brain. Unruptured cerebral aneurysms are often found occasionally during other examinations. These lesions can be treated or kept under observation