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nurse, critical care and specialists in advanced nursing

Liberia - New paediatric surgical programme by MSF

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) opened a paediatric surgical programme at Bardnesville Junction Hospital (BJH) on the outskirts of Liberia's capital Monrovia on 11 January, with a goal of making surgical care more available for children in…

Are you an exhausted paramedic?

Demoralized by his own job and “no longer proud to wear the uniform”. This is how an experienced NHS paramedic in Wales describes his feeling about his job. In an open heartbreaking letter, he expresses all his sorrow and how much exhausted…

Terminally Ill 5-Year-Old Boy Dies in Santa's Arms

A terminally ill 5-year-old boy had his final wish fulfilled, dying in the arms of Santa Claus after he was afraid he would miss Christmas. Eric Schmitt-Matzen, with a classic long white beard and curled mustache, plays Saint…