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nurse, critical care and specialists in advanced nursing

Ebola outbreak: British nurse back to help after recovery

The British nurse who has returned to Sierra Leone after recovering from Ebola has told the BBC he is "frustrated" by the "woefully slow" international response to the outbreak. William Pooley is back at the heart of the crisis, treating…

The Plainclothes Man at Ebola Scene in Dallas (VIDEO)

What is doing a man wearing slacks, shirt and sunglasses near an ebola patient and 4 people wearing full protective suite? He's overseen that all the things gone well, said the Phoenix Air vice-president Randy Davis. But it's not so good as…

VERMAC: Coconut for treatment in burn injuries

A newly developed burn dressing gives patients a lower cost option to complete their treatment A newly developed wound dressing composed of coconut based cellulose and monolaurin for the first aid and treatment of burn injuries. The idea…

CPR: 4 rules you can't forget

Do's and don'ts of administering CPR is the title of a really interesting lesson that Fox News broadcast on July. Erin Tolbert, a certified Famili Nurse Practicioner who found the blog, explain the basical rules of CPR that…