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Rhabdomyosarcoma: a rare oncological challenge

Exploring one of the rarest and potentially deadliest known tumors Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) ranks among the most insidious and rare tumors, primarily affecting childhood with an impact that extends beyond the physical realm, touching the…

Exploring the world's rarest cancers

A Overview of Uncommon Oncological Cases and the Challenges in their Identification and Treatment Tumors represent one of the leading causes of mortality globally, but not all are equally well-known or studied. Among these, some stand out…

Adriamycin: an ally against cancer

Hope in the Fight Against Illness Modern medicine has witnessed the introduction of numerous drugs aimed at combating cancer, among which Adriamycin stands out. Known scientifically as doxorubicin, this powerful chemotherapy agent…

Adenocarcinoma: the silent challenge

A Comprehensive Overview of the Most Common Cancer Adenocarcinoma poses one of the most complex challenges in the field of modern medicine. This type of cancer, originating from glandular cells in the body, manifests in vital organs such…

Actinomycin D: a hope against cancer

Under the Spotlight: An Antibiotic Turned Chemotherapeutic Actinomycin D, also known as dactinomycin, stands as one of the oldest allies in the fight against cancer. Approved for medical use in the United States in 1964, this substance has…

A united front against cancer in children

Politicians, doctors, and experts mobilize on World Day Against Pediatric Cancer The reality of pediatric cancer Pediatric cancer represents a heterogeneous group of oncological diseases that affect children and adolescents. Unlike tumors…

The invisible link: viruses and cancers

We explore how some viruses may be causing cancer diseases and what are the prevention strategies The Connection Between Viruses and Cancer Research has shown that some viruses, known as oncoviruses, can contribute to the development of…

Cervical cancer: prevention saves lives

How Knowledge, Prevention, and Early Treatment Combat Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer presents a significant healthcare challenge, but screening and vaccination initiatives are radically changing the landscape, offering hope and effective…