Coronary angioplasty surgery is generally successful and, by widening the occluded artery, restores normal blood supply to the heart. It does, however, require a certain amount of post-operative care
Heart attack, new guidelines published in the USA: in Italy, cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death, accounting for 34.8% of all deaths
Accidental drug overdose in the United States has escalated over the past two decades. Responding to this growing crisis, public and private agencies across multiple sectors have implemented or supported overdose prevention, treatment,…
An estimated 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, a chronic inflammatory airway disease characterised by obstruction of the bronchial tubes
Intubation drugs: Patients with no pulse and apnoea or severe sensory dulling can (and should) be intubated without pharmacological assistance. Other patients are given sedative and paralysing drugs to minimise discomfort and facilitate…