A tragicomic situation occurred in the port of Chancay, Peru: in the video, which went viral on Twitter, a group of rescuers carry out a humorous rescue exercise
Pre-hospital scales and their usefulness in ambulances, a study published in Jama starts with this question: what are performance and feasibility rates of prediction scales for large anterior vessel occlusion when validated externally and…
The Force of Will", the contest to award the students of the IED of Florence promoted by the company of Sala Baganza (PR), continues until tomorrow, November the 12th
Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory disease of an autoimmune nature: little is known about it, but it is actually quite frequent, considerably disabling and difficult to diagnose
Mountain and helicopter rescue, two fundamental pillars of the variegated world of the 112 and today's emergency response: Northwall is a leading player in this field
The H145 is the most advanced helicopter in Airbus Helicopters' multi-purpose twin-engine category, with a combined total of over 5 million flight hours and more than 1,300 helicopters in service worldwide
"The Force of Will", the graphic contest created by the historical company from Sala Baganza (PR), Spencer, in collaboration with the IED of Florence arrives at Emergency Expo