Mechanical ventilator and secretion aspiration: after a successful intubation, your patient is mechanically ventilated with a patent airway and his vital signs stabilize
Most tick bites are harmless and do not require medical treatment. But there are cases where these parasites carry harmful germs that can cause disease, such as Lyme disease
Focaccia delivers a first new ambulance to Sanitaservice Srl: the vehicles will be equipped with the FG MICRO H2O2 sanitising system developed by the company
Germany, the "Gaffer" phenomenon: gaffering during road accidents is a phenomenon that has been occurring for many years, but the development and spread of smartphones makes life even more complicated for rescuers intent on saving lives in…
Rescuers in Germany in the same difficult situation as their Italian, British and other colleagues: fatigue from increasing workloads and burnout lead to a surprising (but not so surprising) result among them, with 39% saying they would…
Elder abuse, neglect (including self-neglect), and exploitation are common and are associated with depression, mental impairment, loss of function, and mortality