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Medical Evacuation Under Critical Security Situation

A humanitarian mission put at risk because of armed groups. Especially emergency medical operations like an evacuation become dangerous. The #AMBULANCE! community started in 2016 analyzing some cases. This is a #Crimefriday story to learn…

Humanitarian Mission in Danger for Robbery Threat

A humanitarian mission put at risk because of non-state armed groups. Paramedic safety is mandatory, but aggressions are challenging to prevent. The #AMBULANCE! community started in 2016 analyzing some cases. This is a #Crimefriday story to…

INTERSCHUTZ 2020: The future is connectivity

Digitization and connectivity are changing many aspects of our lives. Which is why INTERSCHUTZ 2020 has chosen "Teams, Tactics, Technology – Connecting Protection and Rescue" as its lead theme. Numerous companies and organizations will be…