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Training contents

Earthquakes: an in-depth look at these natural events

The types, causes and danger of these natural events Earthquakes will always cause terror. They represent the kind of event that is not only very complicated to predict - practically impossible in some cases - but can also represent events…

Innovation and Training for Road Accident Rescue

Extrication Training Centre in Casiglion Fiorentino: First Dedicated Centre for Rescue Worker Training up and running In the heart of STRASICURAPark, in Casiglion Fiorentino (Arezzo), is a state-of-the-art centre, ready to welcome…

Earthquakes: is it possible to predict them?

The latest findings on forecasting and prevention, how to predict and counter an earthquake event How many times have we asked ourselves this question: is it possible to predict an earthquake? Is there any system or method to stop such…