"Spotting" or "atypical bleeding" are the words that define the bleeding that can occur between menstrual cycles, after intercourse or during menopause
Scene evaluation skills for the purpose of self-protection, correct identification of hazards and needs, recognition of the dynamics of the event for the formulation of the suspicion of organ damage
Let's talk about transfusion complications: blood transfusion can be carried out on the ward, in the day hospital or at home, the procedure is regulated by law from the taking of blood from the donor to the actual transfusion
Become a firefighter in Italy: the path is complex and requires great preparation: firefighters, all over the world and in Italy too, carry out a difficult and complex job, and the people selected must be able to do it
Cardiovascular disease in Italy: Italians' hearts are increasingly at risk: cardiovascular disease is still the leading cause of death in Italy, accounting for 34.8% of all deaths (31.7% in men and 37.7% in women)
Head trauma in children is the main cause of death in paediatric age, paediatricians tell us: one out of ten patients in childhood enters hospital for this reason