The 5 most interesting EMS job position of this week on Emergency Live. Our weekly selection can help you to reach the life you want as a health practitioner.
Pre-hospital emergency care in Africa is a difficult part to manage properly, and many times there are issues which go around the efforts of some professional.
With an estimated 2.77 billion users worldwide, the social media phenomenon has taken the world by storm. In South Africa, almost half the population uses the internet, including 8 million Twitter users and 16 million Facebook users.
Africa is an extremely varied country and when we speak of emergency medicine we can't be generic. This year will be the year of development for many African countries in terms of emergency medical service, and this change will go deep in…
Dusseldorf Airport has two identical ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) fire brigades in place - and for good reason. Identical vehicles, identical technology, identical operation equals maximum efficiency and capacity in…
INTERSCHUTZ 2020. With an array of rescue and emergency vehicles, medical equipment and solutions for data management, including live demonstrations of products and techniques, the companies and organizations taking part in INTERSCHUTZ 2020…
The life-threatening situation for Red Cross Team because of a large community of people affected by Ebola who refused treatments. Emergency medical services have to face many dangerous and difficult situations. The #AMBULANCE! community…