Source: Care Flight Collective - A Hive Mind for Prehospital and Retrieval Med
Not that long ago Dr Alan Garner described the process for developing Carebundles as part of trying to deliver the best care and measure it at the same time.…
Author: Mario Rugna, MedEst118
The fluids of choice in prehospital field are, in most cases, cristalloids (Norma Saline or Lactate Ringer).
But what is the physiological impact of saline solutions when administered in large amounts…
NICE released the 2016 Major trauma Guidelines.
This guideline covers the rapid identification and early management of major trauma in pre‑hospital and hospital settings, including ambulance services, emergency departments, major trauma…
Author: Mario Rugna
The chain of survival is well known and most of us work everyday to spread it’s use at every level. Chest compressions is, along with early defibrillation, the most important and evidence based intervention to save a…
Prehospital trauma care is still a matter of ongoing debate with inconsistent evidence comparing the impact of emergency transport with helicopter and ground emergency transport on the outcome of trauma patients.
SOURCE: MEDEST118, Mario Rugna, MD
Clinical pathways are the essence of clinical practice. They start from diagnose and therapy (usually provided from a physician) and then continue in assistance (usually provide from a nurse).
SOURCE ICN - Scandinavian pre hospital physician Daniel Kornhall is from a tiny uni town north of Norway who’s hospital is located in an avalanche catchment area. The town faces approximately 5-10 avalanche fatalities every seasons and many…